If you have been to your GP with the symptoms listed below, you have likely been given a diagnosis of IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome is an umbrella term given to those who have a range of gastrointestinal symptoms that are usually unexplained.

If you experience any of the symptoms below, you are likely going to benefit greatly from looking closely at your microbiome health to eliminate any possible pathogens, heal your gut lining and get back on track to wellness.

  • Bloating, gas & any digestive discomfort

  • Irregular bowel habits (constipation / diarrhoea or both)

  • Urgent bowel motions

  • Food sensitivities

  • You wake up with a flat belly and as the day goes on you get more and more bloated

  • Brain fog

  • Low energy

  • Anaemia or Iron deficiency

  • B12 and Vitamin D deficiency

  • Skin issues

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Chronic disease

  • Autoimmune disease

    Some Possible causes:

  • Food Triggers

    If you suspect that you feel worse after consuming particular foods you may have a sensitivity or your body may not have the capacity to break some food components down properly. This is often related to your digestive enzymes OR you may have intestinal permeability (leaky gut).

  • Certain Medications

    Some medications can lead to an imbalance in your gut microbiome or affect your stomach acid levels.

  • Past Antibiotic Use

    Antibiotics are life saving there is no doubt about it. However while they are killing the bad bugs they can also harm the good ones and lead to dysbiosis. This is just a fancy term for your gut bacteria becoming out of balance.

  • Overseas travel (hands up if you’ve had “Bali Belly”!)

    I often hear that they have “never been the same” since traveling. This can be an indicator that you could have some unwelcome inhabitants in your gut.

  • SIBO

    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO for short) is when the bacteria that is supposed to live in the large intestine creeps up and lives in the small intestine causing bloating and discomfort.

This does not have to be your reality. You do not have to put up with it for the rest of your life!

If you want to get to the bottom of your IBS symptoms I offer personalised protocols using the most recent scientific findings and the most effective functional testing laboratories. We can assess and address your gut issues and have you seeing improvements in as little as 1-3 months.

By implementing targeted interventions, such as specialised pre and probiotics, and practical lifestyle adjustments, we can work together to restore and optimise your gut health for long-lasting, life changing benefits to your health.

As a certified Healthy Gut Practitioner, I have undergone extensive training under the guidance of Dr. Jason Hawrelak, immersing myself in the latest scientific advancements in microbiome research in his latest course that approaches gastrointestinal health from a Functional Medicine perspective.